This Chrome extension allows users to see what other people are browsing directly on top of the webpage they are seeing. The extension uses PeerJS and WebRTC to stream screen recordings and the x & y position of users’ mice. It then displays the streaming on a canvas overlayed on the current web page. The maximum number of users is limited by individual bandwidth. This video only demonstrates two.
This Chrome extension puts the user into the current web page they are browsing. Using TensorFlow.js, the extension detects the users’ hand position and body silhouette. Users can knock HTML elements off the screen. The knocking effect is done by animating the elements’ CSS properties.
This Chrome extension does only one thing - wiping out all content on a website.
Web design & development
A microsite that allows multiple users to compare their digital clocks in the computer with an accuracy of milliseconds, built with React, Express, and
A Three.js website with infinite pools.
Simulating the natural movement of fish body using p5.js.
A real-time move & drop music visualizer using p5.js.
A microsite in which the user and AI take turns to write a story.
A linear-looking digital clock.
A real-time typing visualizer using p5.js.